About Us
About: Edushastra
EduShastra is an Education Group offering educational solutions in the field of Test Preparation, Business Courses, Business Training, Special education, Music, Spiritual & Moral education space.
Our Vision Philosophy is based on “Philanthropic Idea” of providing “Quality Education at Affordable Price”. EduShastra’s basic ideology is “For People, Not for Profits”.
EduShastra Mission statement is to provide a world-class education at a minimal cost. Our “Objective and Focus” is to be People-Centric rather than a Profit-Centric organization. To scale our services, we went online as EduShastra.com on 22 June 2016.
EduShastra believes in “Education for All“. Education benefits both the individual and the society and must be preserved as a public good; social interest in education must be protected against its commercialization.
We are supporters of “Right to Education” movement. We as a group are “Against Profit-Centric Privatization & Commercialisation of education”. Most of the educational companies have made education a business. These companies spend millions on promotions & advertisements to create a false fear psychosis among students mostly from poor and middle class. Right now, education as a sector is increasingly being opened to profit-making and trade, and to agenda-setting by private, commercial interests that conceptualize the learner as a consumer and education as a consumer good.
We are concerned at the rapid increase in the number of Profit-Centric private education providers and the resulting commercialization of education and the repercussions of privatization on the principles of social justice and equity, underlining the need for safeguarding education as a public good. The introduction of private, for-profit education into the national education landscape has a number of serious repercussions and is contrary to international human rights law. Profit-Centric private providers undermine the right to education, both as an entitlement and as empowerment. Profit-Centric privatization eclipses a holistic approach to education: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be.
We believe in “Affordable Quality Education“. Entitlement to education in terms of universal access is an essential prerequisite for the exercise of the right to education. However, Profit-Centric privatization breeds exclusion, as those who are disadvantaged are unable to access expensive private schools. This aggravates existing disparities in access to education, further marginalizing the poor. The criterion for admission to private institutions is not merit or capacity, but rather the ability to pay. Profit-Centric privatization widens disparities in access to education. This is in contravention of the basic norms set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We as a group takes responsibility for respecting, fulfilling and protecting the right to education. Education is not a privilege of the rich and well-to-do, it is an inalienable right of every person. Education is instrumental in “promoting development, social justice, and other human rights”. The provision of education, at an affordable cost, is not only a core obligation of ours, but it is also a moral imperative.
Our generic strategy is to “Focus on Product”. We believe that a strong product needs “Zero Marketing”. EduShastra Group has no “Sales & Marketing Department”. We would like our students to be our marketing strength and our products to be our Core Competence.