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Ability-Based Model

Short Definition: It is a learning model in which “Student Ability” decides the closure of the course and not the course time duration.

Long Definition: In the Education Industry, there are two learning models: Time-based model and Ability-based model. In mostly all schools/colleges/institutions, we experience a Time-based model in which everyone gets promoted to the next class after a fixed time period. Example: After a year in school, mostly all students move to the next level, even if a student has scored 50% marks or 80% marks or 99% marks.

But in the Ability-Based model, a student cannot move to the next level based upon the time spent at the level. But the ability becomes the judgmental facet. In this model, even a student who scores 99.99% marks is not promoted to the next level. A student must be 100% to move to the next level and time becomes irrelevant. The idea of the Ability-based model is to find the optimal level in a student.

In the Ability-Based model, a course is repeated until the students reach their optimal level. Example: If the course duration is 2 months, it does not mean that the student journey with us will be over in 2 months. The course will be repeated until he/she reaches the optimal level. In a way, this model has no time-limits. Student ability will change the course duration.

GMAT Course one-cycle duration is 2 months, for CAT it is 3.5 months, and for GMCAT it is 5 months. So in the most optimistic scenario, a student can complete the whole course in a one-course cycle.

All courses have Life-time validity.